Kaggle Notebooks

Notebooks públicos com soluções de competições e estudos de diferentes bibliotecas

Fellipe Gomes Kaggle Notebooks


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Notebooks públicos no Kaggle:

TPS-May2021 Stacking 🥞

TPS-May2021 Optuna Tuner One x Rest

TPS-May2021 Optuna LightGBM TPE

TPS-May2021 Optuna LightGBM Tuner

TPS-May2021 R {tidymodels}+{stacks} 🥞

TPS-May2021 R DAE {keras}

TPS-May2021 R EDA+{tidymodels}+{workflowsets}

TPS-Apr2021 Catboost Run Pseudo label

TPS-Apr2021 CatBoost + Pseudo + MovingThreshold 🚢

TPS-Apr2021 Feature Selection RFE + Boruta 🚢

TPS-Apr2021 Simple CatBoost 🚢

TPS-Apr2021 “AutoBoost” MLJAR 🦾

TPS-Apr2021 R EDA + LightGBM BayesOpt 🚢

TPS-Apr2021 EDA Profiling + RF Pipeline Baseline

TPS-Mar2021 LightGBM HyperOpt

TPS-Mar2021 LightGBM Optuna (opt data prep 🔧)

TPS-Mar2021 Tree Baselines + CatBoost BayesOpt

Simple GPU Deep Learning Keras CNN in R

Imbalanced LightGBM Bayesian Optimization HyperOpt

Carseats 👶 EDA and basic decision tree

How often do accidents occur at the Rio-Nikit 💥🚙

ngram predict with XGBoost tidymodels in R

XGBoost bayes opt with tidymodels

🧙‍♂️🔮 “Voodoo” accuracy 1 in R

Impact of covid-19 and flow analysis on highways

XGBoost bayes-opt tunig

XGBoost para prever salário de cientistas de dados

ngram predict with XGBoost H2O in R

Baseline random ngram in parallel with R

Baseline full text & get metadata with tidyverse R

📊 Starter: COVID-19 in BRAZIL by day

Task1 COVID-19 Diagnosis

Task2 COVID-19 Admission Ac: 94 Sens 0.92 AUC:0.96

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) with DataExplorer

Competicao DSA ML - Dez19

RStudio Keras MNIST Example study

Analise de sobrevivencia - KM e Cox

xgboost caret for fun

tidyverse machine learning for fun

Análise Multivariada (PCA e kmeans)

Machine Learning com dados da base Titanic

Carnaval e mapas interativos com R